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General Rules for Tennis

  • Bets are offered on tennis events for individual Matches or Sets. The bet is subject to cancellation in the event that one of the players withdraws, is injured, or disqualified.
  • In the event of a match starting but not being completed, all bets will be void unless a player is disqualified, in which case the player/team progressing to the next round or being awarded the victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes. This only applies to the moneyline. All totals and handicaps/spreads will be voided.
  • We accept bets on tennis events in top-level competitions. We use the same logic as for direct bets on the winner. You must choose the winner of the game or the tournament.


Rafael Nadal -140, $140 to win $100.

Roger Federer +120, $100 to win $120.

  • All future bets are considered valid regardless of whether the wagered player plays in the match or not. Bets on a player to win a tournament or competition will be declared losing bets if the player decides not to take part therein.

Suspended / Interrupted Games

If a game is suspended, interrupted, or rescheduled due to weather problems, scarce light, or force majeure, the bet will have action and will stand until the game is completed.

Important: There is no set time (days or hours) to wait.

Tiebreaker and Super Tiebreaker

When a tennis match goes to a tiebreaker, individual tiebreaker points will NOT count towards the grading of the over/under totals.

For example, if the set is tied 6-6, a tiebreaker will be played to determine who wins the set. If the tiebreaker ends up with a score of 7-2, the final score will be 7-6, and in this case, 13 games will counts towards the total.

For doubles tennis, a super tiebreaker rule is applied when a match reaches the third set. This means the third set played is not a traditional one; instead, a tiebreaker (usually 10 points) is used.

As in a regular tiebreaker, when this situation occurs, only one game is added to the total for betting purposes.


Game – Money Line – 2 options

The betting options are:

  • Player A.
  • Player B.

You bet on whether the winner of the game will be player A or player B. The match must be completed to have action.

Total / Total Games

The betting options are:

  • Over.
  • Under.

You bet on whether the total games won by the chosen player will be over or under the line offered by the market. The match must be completed to have action.

Total Games – (Player A / Player B)

The betting options are:

  • Over.
  • Under.

You bet on whether the total games won by the chosen player will be over or under the line offered by the market. The match must be completed to have action.

Handicap / Result of the games with the handicap

The betting options are:

  • Player A.
  • Player B.

A handicap of (+/-) will be given to one of the players; it will be added to the actual number of games won by each player in the match. The match must be completed to have action.

Correct Game Score

You bet on the correct score in sets of the full match. The match must be completed to have action.

Set Betting

Sets – Money Line – 2 Options

The betting options are:

  • Player A.
  • Player B.

You bet on whether the winner of the chosen set will be player A or player B. The set in question must be  completed to have action.

Total Set Games – (Player A / Player B)

The betting options are:

  • Player A – Over.
  • Player B – Under.

You bet on whether the total games won by the player in the chosen set will be over or under the line offered by the market. The chosen set must be completed to have action.

Set Handicap

The betting options are:

  • Player A.
  • Player B.

A handicap of (+/-) will be given to one of the players; it will be added to the final score in sets (the games in each set are not taken into account). The match must be completed to have action.

Correct Score – Set

You bet on the correct score in games of the chosen set. The set in question must be completed to have action.

Exact Sets

You bet on the exact number of sets in the match. The betting options are:

  • 2.
  • 3.

Live Propositions

Game Winner in a Set

The betting options are:

  • Player A.
  • Player B.

You bet on whether the selected player will win the game in the set offered by the market. In the event the game in the set on which a bet is placed is not completed, the bet does not have action.

Correct Game Score in a Set

The betting options are:

  • Player A – 0.
  • Player A – 15.
  • Player A – 30.
  • Player A – 40.
  • Player B – 0.
  • Player B – 15.
  • Player B – 30.
  • Player B – 40.

You bet on the selected player winning the game in the set offered, against the rival’s score indicated in the selected line.

Example: 2nd Set- Game 8- Correct score (Rafael Nadal vs. Roger Federer).

Select: Rafael Nadal- 30.

  • Rafael Nadal must win game 8 of the 2nd set, and his rival must only score 30 points in game 8 of the 2nd set.